Thursday, July 30, 2009

Trollbeads Trunkshow & Diva Night!!

1208.BR.SG.FRIENDSHIP_500_web_use_only Mark your calendar…this is a night you’ll not want to miss!  

Wednesday, August 5 from 4-8 p.m.
                    is DIVA NIGHT!

Thanks to the great gals over at The Willows Day Spa & Salon, they are helping make this first night of the Trunk Show fabulous!

Bring a friend and make it a ‘Girl’s Night Out!’  Wine A Rita’s and Cheese will be flowing freely!  Selena & Lindsay from The Willows will be doing massages and summer hairstyle consultations using the latest hair tools!

And of course there will be deals on Trollbeads!  However, you don’t have to be a Trollbead fan to come and enjoy an evening out! 

Trunk Show Perks:

Buy a Decorative Clasp and get the Bracelet FREE
Buy 3 Beads and Get Your 4th FREE
Buy a Silver Necklace and get a Bracelet or Leather Necklace FREE

BONUS Trunk Show Perk…

Spend $175.00 during the Trunk Show and get $25.00 OFF the purchase of any Trollbeads Ring or Earring Set!

If  you aren’t able to attend the DIVA NIGHT…the Trunk Show continues Thursday through Saturday, August 6-8th, 2009  during our normal business hours.

Hope you can make it!

Stacy Sig Trans

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Family Wedding…of sorts…

015 Last Saturday we went to a wedding.  Vickie, who has been a valued part of the store for years, (sure seems as though it’s been from the beginning!)  But that is because she was a customer almost from the beginning…and she would come shopping with her two youngest kids when they were young.  013

Well, this year,  her two youngest children were married…in fact they were married within months of each other.  Imagine that as parents! 

But Saturday was her daughter’s day….and she made the most beautiful bride. It is so hard to believe this is the little girl who used to come shopping with her mother so many yea016rs ago.

Congrats to you both, Sara & Devin…this is a new chapter in your life…go forth and make wonderful memories!  If the wedding is any indication…you will have a fabulous life together!

Best Wishes!

Stacy Sig Trans

Friday, July 24, 2009

It’s Officially Official!!!

The name change on the store is finally complete!  We have dotted all our i’s crossed our t’s and the signs went up….and we are officially doinStacy O's Sign 2g business as Stacy O’s! 

This is an exciting chapter in my entrepreneurial journey.   And WOW!  If anyone had told me what to expect I would never have believed them!  The response has been overwhelming!  The energy and the positive comments on what we have going on has been amazing!  I feel so energized…there is no recession inside Stacy O’s…the positive energy is contagious! 

We are going to celebrate the new name and the BIG REVEAL of the Room Redo the last Saturday in September…so mark your calendar.  That will be a party you do not want to miss!

Thanks so much for all the encouragement!  This is just the BEGINNING!


Stacy Sig Trans

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Birthday America!!!

With our hectic, fast paced lives, so often these holidays just become a three day weekend.  We forget their original intention.

Take some time this weekend to reflect on how lucky we are to live FREE, and of the lives of those and their familiGod Bless Americaes who have died for our freedom.  Pray for the men and women here at home and abroad who are sacrificing so that we are able to continue to live the lives we have so become accustomed to.

I know I am so thankful I was born in this GREAT COUNTRY!!  I hope you have a wonderful Independence Day!   Be safe.

Stacy Sig Trans