Saturday, September 29, 2007
WOnDeRFuL Fall Day In Michigan!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Where does the time go?
Monday, September 24, 2007
Bunnies By The Bay -- Baby Line!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007
L@@k at the Solmate Socks!!
Well...what a wonderful day we had -- the sun was shining, temperature was lovely...lots of people seemed to be out enjoying the day! We need to enjoy them while we can...the leaves will be falling soon!
These are the newly arrived Solmate Socks! They come in numerous color combos and feel wonderful!
I'll try and post more pictures of new stuff soon!!
Have a wonderful night!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Redo Update...
Well...I think we are finished painting the new 'girl's room'! I'll know better when I check it out in the daylight!! Now it's just a process of pulling it all together. This is the fun part!!
We are waiting on the new furniture pieces...but I think we'll be able to start moving the stuff from the old room!! This has been my most favorite redo so far!! Wait until you see it all pulled's a young girls dream!
Stay tuned in!!
Solmate Socks Are Here!!
All you gals who love living on the already know, life is too short for matching socks!!
If you aren't familiar with these colorful, cotton don't know what you're missing! I discovered them on a recent trip and then low and behold...they were just on The View --Whoopie loves the mismatched socks from Solmate!
They are available in adult sizes, a 'pair with a spare' for kids, and also 'two pair with a spare' for babies!! The gift possibilities are endless...and what great stocking stuffers they will be!!
Bye for now!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
What Lovely Weather!
Hey There!
I hope you are all enjoying the wonderful weather of recent days. This is why we live in Michigan!!
All I am going to say is...Orange Swirls....yup, that's just what I said...and I'm hoping at this moment Chris, our wood guy is busy in his workshop!!
I can hardly contain myself!! I might explode if we don't get this room done we can show it to all of you!! Get your daughters, granddaughters, nieces, neighborhood girls -- old and young alike -- ready!! No one is going to want to miss this unveiling!!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Redecorating Continues...
I was back at work today...I don't know if I mentioned the upstairs hallway is finished and put back together. We painted over the it a fresh, updated look! I brought back a wonderful old wooden file cabinet from the show I went looked great in our newly redecorated hallway! Well, I guess it looked TOO sold! (It's in layaway, so you can still see it...if you want to torture yourself!)
New Girl's Room Update:
Chris brought in the headboard!! It looks SO GREAT! Now, can you say polka dots? Yup...they are done...but we have a privacy curtain up...we want to be further along in our progress of our new room before we let you see no peeking when you see the drape! I hope to continue with stenciling tomorrow!
Baby Room Update:
It should be pulled together shortly...lots of stuff has arrived, I just have to pull it all together! This is so much fun!
Gotta go rest up so I have super sized strength tomorrow...I have a big day ahead of me!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Beautifully Crisp, Sunny Saturday...
What a beautiful day...the sun was shining and so were all the sunny faces coming through the door today!
We received an order of Willow Creek Candles today. Candle burning season is in full force -- there must be a lot of wonderfully smelling houses this evening...mine included since I had to turn my heat on for the FIRST time since Summer. Wait...technically, it's still Summer!! But it's going to be 36 degrees tonight! Brrr! I think it's time to break out the flannels!!
It's the weekend, so I just enjoyed working in the store today. No painting, no checking in orders...I just had a great time -- sun is good!
Stay warm & snuggly tonight,
Friday, September 14, 2007
Email Request...Thanks..
I want to thank all the gals who have emailed me already about being on the Electronic Newsletter list! I just have a favor to ask...if you could type your email address in the body of the email, some of the emails come in with just your name, so I can't see your email address. I think I am good with them so far, but this request would be especially helpful for those that I don't currently have their email address on file.
Also, the reason I am asking everyone to email if they want to remain on the list, even if they received the email newsletter is I want to make sure my list is current.
Have a wonderful day!
P.S. Thanks also for all your encouraging words...they keep me pushing on!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Thursday ~ A Fabulous Fall Day!
Oh My Gosh!! Some orders came in today for our NEW, Girl's Room!! All I can say is...where was this stuff when I was a kid!! I am reliving my childhood...this is sooo much fun!!
Now...we just have to lock our wood guy, Chris in his workshop so he can get all the great furniture pieces we have someplace to put this stuff!!
Did I hear some of you saying...what kind of great furniture pieces? Let me just leave you with a few tidbits...a new headboard, how about a bookshelf...a hamper...a bench...a vanity...shadow boxes...shelves...mirrors...I could go on and on...but Chris is only one person!
P.S. This is the beginning of a new and exciting time for us...our electronic newsletter took
it's maiden voyage this evening...enjoy!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hi There!
Another Fall-like day! Someone flipped the switch from Summer to Fall! It is so refreshing!
The newsletter went in the mail tonight and I have spent the evening entering in the email addresses those of you have given me so I can get the electronic newsletter out too. I hope those of you who are signed on for the email version enjoy it!
Off to bed I go...I'm at the store tomorrow!
Nite, Stacy
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
White Chicken Chili Recipe
Fall is definitely in the air!! We worked some more on the upstairs's coming along nicely.
But boy, was it a good day for White Chicken Chili! This recipe has been in my newsletter, but there are so many new customers, that do not know about it -- how easy and yummy it is... so I just have to repeat it's just too good to keep to ourselves!! I always keep the ingredients on hand for just such a day!! Enjoy!
White Chicken Chili
1-48 oz. Jar Great Northern Beans, do not drain
1 jar Picante Salsa
1-2 c. Diced Chicken Breasts, cooked
2 t. Cumin
1 can Chicken Broth, fat free
2 c. Shredded Cheese of your choice
Heat up the first 5 ingredients, then throw in the cheese and simmer, stirring until the cheese is incorporated into the soup. This recipe can be made with Healthy Choice Cheese, low fat or ANY cheese of your choice. It's hard to believe this recipe is low just tastes too good!
(Note: I have also made it with 4 standard cans of Northern Beans, they are cheaper and you get more beans, it works great!) As Rachel Ray would say...Yum-O!
Hope you're all cozy in your house this evening!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Great New Finds
Well Monday is almost behind us...and it was a wonderful Fall-like day -- for the most part anyways!
I just have to tell you...I just love my job! I love being able to find wonderful goodies and bringing them to Saginaw and you, through my store! I want to be your source for great finds for your home and personal use...that you just can't find outside of the big cities!
So today, let me fill you in on the fabulous line of purses and watches from TOKYObay in San Francisco! There are so many great watches and we have just scratched the surface! The Tram Watch, which happens to be one of my personal favs, made the 'O List'!
The purses are from their Red Tango Collection...they are so much fun! Our darling Katie, picked out her fav and it sold the very next day...before she could get her hot little hands on it! Sorry Katie, we do have more coming!! Me, being a registered purse freak, am wrestling with color...lime or turquoise!!
I went to Market a few weeks ago and was totally blown away by a wonderful baby line called, Bunnies By The Bay! I am so in love with it...I threw aside all the other projects we had going and we redecorated the upstairs bathroom into a baby room. We will have some great ideas for baby gifts arriving in the next couple of weeks, to fill up our newly redecorated room!!
I know, I know...seems I am doing everything but home decor. But, I am dedicated to bringing you a unique shopping experience for both your home and your life.
And last, but certainly not least...we are getting very close to completing the redecorating on our new, larger 'Girl's Room'!! We have to fine tune a couple of things and do some fun, faux touches...can you say, polka dots & swirls?!! Tons of great stuff should be arriving very shortly! Mom's, your girls will think they have died and gone to heaven!! Stay tuned.....!
Bye for now!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Hello All:
I am hoping to use this forum to keep you updated often on what is happening around the store. We'll be posting when great new things come in, when sales and specials are coming up...and just general information about what is happening around the check in often.
We have had so much going on lately that I could probably go on for hours...but I will try and contain myself.
First and foremost, we are going to be offering an electronic version of our newsletter. The paper newsletter is becoming so time consuming and costly that I am hoping that anyone with an email address will sign up for it. I understand there are people who do not have access to the internet and we will still continue to offer the newsletter the 'old fashioned way' to those who do not. However, as an incentive to go electronic, we will be offering coupons in the electronic version that will not be available in the paper version. We will be giving you information in our very next newsletter, and those of you who have given us your email address already, you will receive both the paper and electronic version this next time.
That is all I will post for this evening...the next post will be about the great new items that have arrived and are already flying off the shelves. Then we'll update you with our redecorating progress...we think the young girls are going to love what we have in store for them. That's all I have to say for now. Nite.